Wear the Barrettes

A while back, I joined a Facebook group called Silver Hair Foxes. The target audience is women over 50 and while the daily conversations typically clutter my feed, I can’t seem to mute them. I love seeing women from around the globe celebrate aging and embrace the later stages of life. Conversations generally focus on health and wellness, beauty, and family.

It’s also quite common for ladies to ask the group for friendly advice. One member recently questioned whether it was acceptable for women in their 60s to wear colorful barrettes. The responses from the group were overwhelmingly positive,” Of course, have fun! Wear whatever makes you happy.” And that’s the thing I appreciate about the foxes; they tend to be supportive and quick to offer kind words to perfect strangers. In a world filled with online cruelty, this is quite refreshing.

As for me, I’m an enthusiastic “yes to the barrettes” kind of person. Life is short and women should wear whatever they please. As I’ve grown older, I’ve become incredibly bored with fashion experts and Instagram influencers determining what’s appropriate for women of a certain age. The rules are silly and shaming people for their choices isn’t helpful to anyone.  Barrettes, bows, clips, scarves, and pins provide a wonderful way to be creative (and tackle challenging hair days).

My 89-year-old mom is a headband lady. She has worn her hair the same way for as long as I can remember: blunt bob, no bangs, and a thick hairband holding back her gray waves. For years, she has ignored friendly suggestions to try something new. “I know what I like,” she says and that’s the end of the conversation. We should all be so confident with our hair and fashion choices- no hesitation, no doubts.  

The topic of barrettes also made me think of celebrity chef, Nancy Silverton. Chef Silverton is a James Beard award winner who owns five restaurants in California, including the world-renowned La Brea Bakery. If you have watched any type of cooking show, you’ve probably seen her. She often serves as a guest judge who graces the screen with her colorful signature looks. And, at 68 years, she rocks the barrettes and hair clips. Different colors, shapes, and sizes cover her head, keeping her curls tightly in place. The first time I saw her, I couldn’t help but smile. It’s inspiring to see a woman who owns and celebrates her unique style, particularly when it fails to conform to societal fashion expectations.

I’ve discovered that growing older is about freedom. And it’s not just the gift of time that comes with retirement. It’s about living long enough to truly feel comfortable in your own skin. This is the perfect time to be your authentic self with no apologies or permissions. So, wear the barrettes, or the bows, or the headbands, or whatever else you fancy. Heck, dye your hair pink or purple if you wish. But whatever you chose, give yourself the permission to be yourself. You’ve earned it.